Ck2 secret society mod
Ck2 secret society mod

For a secret one, there is the Maester conspiracy against magic. Warlocks and Shadowbinders might be better off being reworked into Societies instead of religions, for one (Melisandre being both a Red Priestess and a Shadowbinder would make more sense, currently it sounds like someone being both a rabbi and an imam).Ĭitadel should be accessible for landed characters, for "lay brother" status equivalent levels, Oberyn forging a few links there didn't disinherit him. What do you think of these ideas and what are your own thoughts? Do you see any more possibilities? The secret Targaryen supporters (Varys, Illyrio.Faceless Men (well, whether they - as former slaves - would accept lords as members is debatable).I don't really think that the mod will use the new mechanics for societies that are unaccessable for the player, like the Citadel or the Kingsguard.

ck2 secret society mod

Sadly most of them cover organizations that didn't last too long in the world of Westeros and Essos. anizations) should provide some gome ideas.

ck2 secret society mod

Nontheless there are some possibilities for this mod too, especially this link (. I would expect some other mods like Elder Kings or Warhammer to benefit more from the new DLC. After todays dev diary for the upcoming 'Monks and Mystics' DLC, I wondered about possible societies/sects/guilds for the aGoT mod.

Ck2 secret society mod